What We Do
Wholly H2O encourages California residents to become engaged members of their waterhoods and active stewards of watershed ecosystems. We foster responsible, community-minded watershed management by nurturing the connections people make with their local watersheds both intellectually and emotionally. To know it is to love it.. Our educational programs strive to make watershed conservation accessible and fun for all ages.

Walking Waterhoods
Our digital walking tours and livestreams guide you along the creeks that run through your town and under your streets, teaching East Bay residents about the local history and natural world outside their doors. In person or on-line, perfect for history and science classes.

Community / Citizen Science
Our community and citizen science events and challenges encourage Northen Californians to meet their waterhood neighbors and explore watershed ecosystems, documenting findings as informal scientists.

H2whoa! Podcast
Our H2whOa! podcast invites listeners to find out answers to questions about water they don’t even know they have, exploring this important molecule and substance in it’s phases through the eyes of renowned scientists and artists.

What’s On Tap
The What’s on Tap? campaign connects people with the rivers that supply their homes, businesses, and schools with water. Do you know where your water comes from?

Art Installations
Our art series brings visitors deep into the heart of a watershed through unique and varying perspectives, showcasing the many forms and features of this important resource