• Think Blue: The City of San Diego’s approach to storm water education

    While the rains have passed, I notice that there is still water pouring down storm drains from sprinklers set to overwater. In fact, I just saw the sprinklers on a large public strip outside my office in West Oakland come on mid-day, and then overwater so that water ran helter skelter down Mandela Parkway to the storm drain, a terrible misuse of water, recycled water in this case. The City of San Diego is taking a forwward approach to providing information to the public on how to reduce storm water runoff and the pollutants that water contains. Here’s a great short video on dog waste and water management.


    Think Blue is the education and outreach arm of the City of San Diego Storm Water Department. The Department’s mission is to protect and improve water quality and reduce flood risk through efficient storm water management.