• Be part of this pioneering study! The Urban Farmer Store is helping the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) conduct a pilot study of laundry-to-landscape graywater systems in San Francisco. We are looking for residents of a single-family home or a two-unit residential building to join our small pilot program.
    Approved participants will receive a discounted kit, a free workshop and a comprehensive guidance manual. All you need is a clothes washer, a flat or down-sloping garden and a commitment to saving water!

    Participation in the SFPUC program includes:

    A free workshop and a copy of the San Francisco Graywater Design Manual for Outdoor Irrigation, a step-by-step manual for do-it-yourselfers. No two graywater installations will be exactly alike as each system will vary depending on the sites soil type, washing machine type, and number of laundry loads. Gather as much information about your site before attending a workshop.
    A $95 subsidy toward the purchase of a $100 L2L kit for participants who meet all program requirements. The kit includes basic components to divert washing machine discharge water for irrigation use. Additional pipe, tubing and landscape mulch basins will be required.
    For more information about the L2L kit and our new pilot program, contact:

    The Urban Farmer Store at (415) 661-2204 or visit the SFPUC website for more information-

    Download Application Form-Please fill it out, attach the completed form with the two required photos, and e-mail it to info@urbanfarmerstore.com