• Thanks to our Board of Advisor member, Sonia Diermayer, Wholly H2O was one of the contributors to the crafting of AB 275, Rainwater Capture Act of 2011. This legislation makes it legal for all Californian’s to capture rainwater, thus decreasing stormwater runoff, increasing groundwater infiltration, and offsetting unnecessary potable water use for things like landscape watering. We consider this legislation a no brainer for California, a state whose water sources and their ecosystems are over taxed and under cared for.

    Yet, there are bill opponents talking directly to the Governor and asking him to veto the bill. We would like to see as many people as possible contact the Governor to request a signature. Please support AB 275, Rainwater Capture Act of 2011 by writing Gov Brown. While sending an email may be easier, it is more influential to send actual letters.

    Governor Jerry Brown
    c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    Phone: (916) 445-2841
    Fax: (916) 558-3160

    Or on his website where AB 275 is listed as an issue in a drop-down menu.