While our focus is specifically water efficiency and reuse, knowing how our actions impact our waterways is a key motivating factor. Afterall, if we’re going to make efforts to change our behavior regarding water use, it’s useful to know why. Here’s a perfect way to learn more about how our actions affect the ocean ecosystems.
FROM: Brian Baird, Assistant Secretary for Ocean and Coastal Policy, California Natural Resources Agency Amber Mace, Executive Director, California Ocean Protection Council
DATE: November 29, 2010RE: Online California and the World Ocean Conference Video, Photo, and Presentation Library
We are pleased to announce that an Internet based video, photo, and presentation library for the California and the World Ocean Conference is now online. The library, which was developed by the talented staff at AGP Video, can be found at the following URL: http://www.cal-span.org/events/CWO/2010/
By visiting this Web site, you will be able to view complete video recordings for 62 of the 64 concurrent sessions and four plenary sessions, PowerPoint presentations, and photographs taken throughout conference events. We understand [it] may be the first international ocean conference to establish a comprehensive post-conference online library that will be maintained in perpetuity.
[It] brought together over 800 experts throughout California, the United States, and the international community to present on ocean and coastal resource management issues facing California, other states, or nations. Presentations made at conference concurrent sessions included emerging topics such as climate change impacts, marine spatial planning, marine protected areas, regional ocean governance, and renewable offshore energy, among other important topics. Plenary sessions included remarks and presentations from prominent international ocean and coastal figures, such as President Tong of Kiribati, John Henke, Vice President, Google Maps, and David Rockefeller, President, Sailors for the Sea. Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Undersecretary of Commerce for Ocean and Atmosphere, Administrator of NOAA and U.S. Congressman Sam Farr addressed the conferees at the offsite conference reception and dinner.Most importantly the conference brought together representatives from government, academia, industry, and the public to forge partnerships, share ideas, foster discourse, and formulate action strategies for the 21st century. We encourage you to use the library as a resource for learning more about the latest advances in understanding, lessons learned, and new policies and approaches to address our growing impacts on ouroceans and coastsand the actions we can take to address them.