I’m always harping on people to know where their water comes from. Just as important, since most of us don’t actually use local water supplies, is to know what watershed you live in and how that watershed is being managed. Get local wioth your understanding of water by checking out your local water shed maps. Here are a few map Sources.
California Watershed Maps
CA Statewide Watersheds:http://www.ca.nrcs.usda.gov/features/calwater/calwatershedsmap.html
CA Watershed Portal: http://cwp.resources.ca.gov/calw_browse.php#
Sacramento River: http://mappery.com/Sacramento-River-Watershed-Map
San Francisco: http://sfwater.org/mto_main.cfm/MC_ID/14/MSC_ID/361/MTO_ID/565
East Bay, SFBay Area: http://museumca.org/creeks/MapOak.html
Los Angeles: www.lamountains.com/pdf/Ahmanson_watershed.pdf
San Deigo: http://www.projectcleanwater.org/html/watersheds.html